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Mission and vision

Activity and policy plan



The Sculpture Garden Blue Bay Foundation wants to give a powerful impulse to the Caribbean visual arts at home and abroad.


Sculpture Garden Blue Bay wants to be a leading sculpture garden where 3-dimensional work by artists from the Caribbean and by artists who work with themes or materials from this area are exhibited. To this end, we collect, preferably monumental, work that is accessible and made for a large and wide audience.


The policy of the board of the Sculpture Garden Foundation is focused on expanding the Sculpture Garden at the Blue Bay Resort with sculptures from Curaçaoan artists in particular. In the coming years the board will concentrate on attracting funds and donations for commissioning work from Curaçaoan visual artists, and for explanding the educational programs and promotional events. Furthermore, the relationship with the residents of the resort will be tightened, since they are the hosts and hostesses for local and international visitors. By international collaboration, starting with Dutch musea, sculptures on loan will be acquired. In collaboartion with the Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) tours will be offered to local and international visitors. Education is a focalpoint of the Sculpture Garden. Our ambition is that during its school career each child will visit the Sculpture Garden at least once during school hours. Till at least 2027 a strong emphasis will be on acquiring sculptures from Curaçaoan artists in the Sculpture Garden. At the moment 42 sculptures can be visited: 20 along the road to the plantation house Blauw and the road to the beach, and 2 objects in the Visitorscentre and 20 statues around the plantation house Blauw. The ambition is to expand in five years time to 100 sculptures.

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